In a stand mixer or in a medium bowl with a hand mixer, cream the butter and sugar until light. Beat in the 2 eggs and the 5 egg yolks, lemon juice, lemon zest and the pinch of salt.
Transfer to a medium sized sauce pan and cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally until the mixture has thickened.
Remove from heat.
Place the egg whites, sugar and cream of tartar in a clean medium sized heat-proof bowl. Place over a pot with an inch or two of boiling water in it so that the bottom of the bowl is just touching the surface of the water.
Whisk mixture for about 5 minutes or until the egg whites are warm to the touch.
Remove from heat and beat with clean beaters until stiff peaks form.
Crust & Assembly
Combine crushed wafers and almonds with melted butter in a small bowl. Mix well.
Divide mixture between 6 – 8 parfait glasses or jars. The smaller the glasses the more meringues you will make. Tap the jars to level the crumbs.
Pour lemon curd into a piping bag. You can also use a large zip-top bag and snip the end off to form a piping bag. Pipe the mixture evenly into the parfait jars.
Repeat with the meringue, dividing evenly between jars. Brown the top of the meringues with a culinary torch.