
Ongoing Consultations

BC Egg works with the public and industry stakeholders to ensure all voices are heard across a number of different facets of operation.  The following are current or ongoing consultations.



There are no consultations open at this time.


Completed Consultations

The following are consultations that have been held in the past, and are now completed. 

Allocation Proposal Survey

The BC Egg Marketing Board sought feedback and support for its 2023 Allocation Proposal. BC Egg is seeking to increase quota holdings for eligible registered producers by 4.528% through a pro-rata allocation of 147,968 quota units comprised of new growth quota units, units held in abeyance from the 2022 allocation and units from the Quota Reserve. The consultation document referenced in this survey is available here.

The consultation is now closed.


Consolidated Order Review

The Consolidated Order is required to be reviewed every five years. The current document was last reviewed in 2017. In the initial round of consultations, BC Egg focused on key programs within the Consolidated Order to ensure they continue to meet the needs of producers and the industry. Once the Board has had time to review the feedback, a second consultation will be presented to review recommended changes to the Consolidated Order prior to a final submission to BCFIRB.

First Survey Results

  • Consolidated Order Review – Independent and Egg Production Unit Definitions, click here.
  • Consolidated Order Review – Quota Exchange, click here.
  • Consolidated Order Review – Quota Credit, Quota Leasing and Temporary Allotment Programs, click here.
  • Consolidated Order Review – Election Rules, click here.

Second Survey Results

  • Consolidated Order Review – Election Rules, click here.
  • To review BCFIRB’s decision regarding the Election Rules, please click here.

Final Survey Results

  • Consolidated Order Review – Final Survey Results, click here.


2022 Administrative Monetary Penalty Program

BC Egg Marketing Board sought feedback on a monetary penalty program that would apply to all egg producers in BC. The intent of the Administrative Monetary Penalty (AMP) Program is to provide the BCEMB with an additional tool and options for handling situations of non-compliance with the Consolidated Order.  A second survey on the AMP was conducted from May 2-15 in response to the results of the first survey.

The consultation is now closed.

2020 New Producer Program and Producer-Vendor Category Clarification Consultation

BC Egg Marketing Board sought to clarify the parameters of the producer-vendor category and the contingent New Producer Program requirements.

The consultation is now closed.

2019 Election Rule Review Survey

Every three years BC Egg is required to conduct a review of our Election Rules and Procedures document. This document includes the board election requirements and process.

The consultation is now closed.


2019 Quota Assessment Tools Consultation – Exempt Person Review

The supply managed commodities in BC are in the process of updating their rules related to quota assessments when selling quota, based on direction provided by BCFIRB.  BC Egg requested an additional review of exempt persons.

The consultation is now closed.

2019 Quota Allocation Policy Survey

BC Egg’s goal is to streamline the quota allocation process going forward to ensure that growth quota is allocated in a timely manner and BC egg producers are meeting market demand.

The consultation is now closed.


2018 New Producer Program Consultation

The New Producer Program has been established with the intent to provide BC residents, with an interest in egg production and agriculture, an opportunity to contribute to the regulated egg sector in BC.

 The consultation is now closed.

2018 Allocation Method Consultation Survey

As BC received a quota allocation, BC Egg must determine an allocation methodology that meets the Regulated Markets Economic Policy and SAFETI Principles.

The consultation is now closed.


2017 Quota Assessment Tools Consultation

The supply managed commodities in BC are in the process of updating their rules related to quota assessments when selling quota, based on direction provided by BCFIRB.

The consultation is now closed.

  • To review the April 4, 2017 Quota Assessment Tools Evaluation Consultation Presentation, please click here.  To review the May 8, 2017 Quota Assessment Tools Evaluation Consultation Presentation, please click here.
  • To review the final Quota Assessment Tools Evaluation submission to BCFIRB, please click here.
  • To review the February 2, 2018 decision from BCFIRB, please click here.
  • To view additional letters submitted from all of the supply managed boards, please visit BC FIRB’s website.


2016 Consolidated Order Review

BC Egg undertook a core review of the Consolidated Orders beginning in 2014 and ending in 2016.  Seven key areas where identified that may not reflect the current market and needs of our stakeholders. 

  • A summary of the responses and the comments received for each question is available here.