Social Media Commitment & Code of Conduct

This is our commitment to you, our social media audience, and our expectations for the conduct of those who engage with us in our social media spaces. 


We’ll do our best to talk candidly about the topics that are important to you, listen to your feedback, answer your questions and be transparent about sharing information and providing our perspective.

We commit to delivering to you accurate, research-based information about eggs, and egg farming in BC.  We ask that you honour this commitment and please refrain from posting comments or claims about eggs or egg farming that are unsubstantiated.

We ask that comments be kept on-topic and relevant to the original posted material.

We respect your right to privacy, and we protect the privacy of our farmers and staff.  Please do not post or share personal information such as phone numbers, email addresses, or physical addresses on any of our forums.

We absolutely appreciate everyone’s right to choose the food they eat and we ask that you do the same.  Obviously, we believe in the value of including eggs in our diets.  We respect the right of folks to choose an egg-free or animal-free diet; however, this channel is not an appropriate place to try to convert or recruit others. Please keep those conversations to your personal page or feed – our page and feeds are spaces for conversations on topics of our choosing. Comments that unjustly defame eggs, farmers, or berate members of our community for their dietary choices will be removed.

There will be no tolerance for bullying of any sort. Please keep comments and discussions respectful.

We have the right but not the obligation to monitor, screen, post, remove, modify, store and review posts and comments made on our websites and social media channels.

We reserve the right to delete, hide, or ban any posts or comments that:

  • are defamatory, indecent, hateful, racist, xenophobic, homophobic, sexist, disgraceful, vulgar or inappropriate;
  • use foul language;
  • celebrate, encourage or suggest illegal activity;
  • contain or promote images or videos obtained illegally or under false pretenses;
  • are unintelligible or irrelevant;
  • or contravene our code of conduct in any other way.

We strive for honesty and transparency.  We are also a regulated industry.  There are certain topics we won’t be able to talk about here and some of your discussions may need to be redirected or curtailed for the same reason. We appreciate your concerns, and value your quest for facts, and will try to tackle these questions or comments through individual contact rather than public conversation.  Please know you can always direct questions to us at