BC eggs typically arrive at the grocery store within about a week of the time they are laid.  

Grade A eggs have a clean and uncracked shell, a round and centered yolk, a firm white, and a small air cell.

There is no nutritional difference between white and brown eggs. Brown eggs are laid by brown-feathered hens and white eggs are laid by white-feathered hens. Brown eggs cost more than white eggs because brown hens are larger than white ones and need more feed.

Laying hens are never given hormones or steroids. Canadian egg farmers follow feed regulations set by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, part of which states that steroids and hormones are not approved for use in Canada.

The best way to tell if your eggs are fresh is by the Best Before date on the carton. The Best Before date on a carton indicates the time the eggs will maintain Grade A quality, if stored properly. You can also drop an egg into water to test it's freshness. A fresh egg will sink, while an older egg will float.

BC egg farmers work hard to ensure hens receive a balanced diet consisting of grains, protein, fats, vitamins and minerals. Egg farmers follow feed regulations set by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA).

Liquid, frozen and dried egg products come from eggs that were broken by special egg breaking machines, and then pasteurized. Eggs go to the breaking station where they are washed and candled to verify they meet Canadian standards for liquid and dried egg products. An automated machine, called a "breaker,” breaks the eggshell, and in some cases separates the yolks from the whites. These eggs are then pasteurized and processed into liquid, frozen or powdered form.

An egg a day is ok! The latest research shows that dietary cholesterol, like what’s found in eggs, has very little effect on your blood cholesterol levels.  Healthy adults can enjoy an egg every day without increasing their risk of heart disease.