BC Egg & COVID-19

Due to a recent COVID exposure and with an overabundance of caution, the BC Egg office has closed and all staff have once again moved to working from home. The office will remain closed for two weeks until November 16, at which time staff and visitor safety will be reassessed.

During our work from home tenure, all essential functions will continue and all staff can be reached by e-mail and telephone. If you reach someone’s voice mail, we urge you to leave a message as it will be returned promptly. In addition, senior staff can be reached by voice or text on their cell phones:

Katie Lowe, Executive Director, 778.242.4490

Joey Aebig, Manager Operations & Logistics, 604.442.6320

Amanda Brittain, Director Communications and Marketing, 778.386.1917

Erin Duetta, Manager Finance, 778.987.5900

Nicole Thompson, Executive Assistant, 778.908.7343

A Note on Egg Supply – March 24, 2020

Because eggs are produced locally in BC, we have a steady supply. The appearance of shortages is due to extreme over-buying, rather than an actual lack of supply. BC Egg Executive Director, Katie Lowe, reminds us, “buy what you need and leave the rest for your neighbours.”

Read more in this article from CTV.